"How To Market and Sell Your Ebook" Review!

Okay, so I finally finished reading the e-book, "How To Market and Sell Your Ebook," last night. It was such a good read! I cannott wait to tell you all about it!
First of all, this book is DEFINITELY a book I would recommend to all my sahm/w friends! (Stay At Home Mom/Wife) I know there are more ladies than just myself who know the blessedness of being a keeper at home, yet are striving to find a way to help with the family income, not just the outcome ;). Well, this book is for us!
We are passionate women. For the mothers who are passionate about cloth diapers, the wives excited about couponing, the women who love herbalism, and want to write about it and share with others (while earning a profit), this book tells you how!
What I loved about this book was its encouragement for anyone with a passion about something (good, I hope!), and wanting to write, to do it! Sarah Mae gave some really good facts and statistics, as well as quotes and real-life accounts of those who've done it (including herself), that I couldn't help but get my engines running! I want to do it, now that I've seen how it can be accomplished, and relatively easily*. (*There is work involved!)
I am excited for all my lady friends and family out there who have a passion for something, so much so that they have to write about it! I am excited for you because I know you can accomplish your dreams of being an author, or someone who is bringing in an income for their family, etc...And seeing it come to fruition! If I talk any more, I will give away the whole book, and summaries are never as good as the real deal. :) So, why do you not go on down to Amazon.com and get Sarah Mae's book, "How To Market and Sell Your Ebook," which only costs $4.99.
Yes, that is right: $4.99. What I like about it is that it is downloadable as a PDF; and if you ever want to print something off of it, you can! You can download it to your Kindle, too, if you so desire. For those of us, like me, who do not have a Kindle, the PDF works just fine. Enjoy! Please let me know what you think of the book if you get it. :)
(P.S. The review I have given for this book is my own honest opinion, and without profit.)
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"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Colossians 4:6