Motherhood Multiplies: Part 4
...No...No, she wouldn't wait!
We had such a small window between my friend's departure, and my mother-in-law arriving--like, three days. What's three days?
The day before she was supposed to arrive, I started noticing light, irregular contractions. I chalked it up to prodromal labor, as they really didn't phase me. I would try to time them, just in case. That was a pointless endeavor. There was no pattern; no longevity.
Knowing that each pregnancy, labor, and delivery will be different, I wasn't truly expecting my daughter's birth story to be the same as that of her brother. Yet, at the same time, I was referencing my experience with him, more as a comparison. So, we just waited to see if anything would happen.
Well, her labor was quite different than her brother's labor-- frustratingly so! When I started labor with him, there was a definite pattern to it. Though it was slow to progress with him, there was a progression. Li'l Miss' labor was irregular, seemingly uneventful.
Dear stayed home, even though I was capable of going about my day. None of the contractions hindered me from my activities. Again, quite opposite that of my previous experience: where once a few hours of contractions had passed, I had to start focusing on getting through each one. Hers? Nah. Just teasing us. 😋
I did notify my doula and midwife, though I made it clear that they seemed like they were prodromal (warm-up) contractions. My doula recommended some things to get them progressing. It didn't seem that any of it worked. As night arrived, we prepared to sleep.
Oh, just a couple hours passed when, BAM!, no more playing! These were the real deal. All you mamas know.
I immediately informed my birth team. Of course, they asked if I wanted to go to the birth cottage. I didn't. Last time, I was there for nearly twelve hours, and wanted to do more laboring at home.
Well, between my midwife, doula, and husband, they all encouraged me to go. They could tell that I was far enough along in my labor: the contractions kept my full attention, and they were pretty close together. Seeing that this was my second pregnancy, (that they tend to go faster than the first), and that it was nearly a forty-minute drive to the cottage...We needed to go.
....And, our soundly-sleeping two-year-old was coming, too.
That's right. No one to come over close to 2 AM, or anywhere to take him. So, he was along for the ride! Thankfully, he was easy to get ready, and looked forward to seeing our midwife.
Since it was so late/early, the roads were pretty clear. It was actually a decently pleasant drive, for someone in labor: dark, cool, quiet. Nice.
We arrived to the cottage, with everyone getting things stationed. I made myself comfortable on my birth ball, letting folks tend to me as needed. For a little while, I labored in the kitchenette/den with everyone. Not too long, though, and I wanted to go to the birthing suite.
During this time, my beloved husband tended to our son. I know he wanted to be there for me, in the same way he was for our son's birth. Yet, he never put on that he was put out. He kept looking for ways to keep our very active, excited 2-year-old preoccupied...At 3-4ish in the morning. What a man. ❤
After laboring a bit in the bedroom (time always seems "gone" during labor), I wanted to see how far along I was. My midwife checked me: I was at an "8." "Ok. Still a bit to go," I thought to myself.
I wanted to try to rest, just a bit, since I figured we still had a few hours of laboring. My doula dimmed the lights of an already darkened room, cracked the door, and left. It was just me, my in-utero daughter, and God.
I was fearful of another lengthy labor, and of imposing upon everyone (I know...). I prayed; just asking the Lord to help me...
.....Do you ever have moments where you just KNOW He's in the room with you?! I couldn't see Him, nor did I hear His voice. Yet, I knew He was right there with me.
No one else was in the room. Like I said, my doula left to let me rest. Yet, as I was praying to the Lord, I sensed His presence with me.
Oh, I bawled! I kept pouring my heart out to Him! Then...different contractions came.
I had to get off that bed! Whatever sounds came out of me, my team was back in the room, lights on, and more checking of progress. All these things (my doula leaving, me resting/praying/getting off the bed), happened very quickly.
With my midwife encouraging me and guiding me, and my doula giving support, it wasn't long that I was pushing out my daughter! My dear husband was holding our son, just a few feet away from me, in the doorway. Just a few pushes, and she was here!
With a flurry of action, Li'l Miss was placed in my arms, we got into bed, and the clean-up began. Daddy and Big Brother got to meet her, and everyone there rejoiced with us!
While we were being tended to, my husband and son went about to get a hearty breakfast for me, at 5 the country. Where else but the "Waffle House?" So, off they went! I was so glad to have that food, instead of all the lighter foods I'd been eating during labor!
A few hours later, and we were able to go back home, with Li'l Miss and I tucked into bed together. (It wasn't until on our way home, that our son finally went back to sleep!) Then, not much later, Dear and Big Brother went to get Dear's mother from the airport. Whew! What a day!
Come to find out, our daughter was born a little past two hours after getting to the birth cottage...Two hours. I'm glad I listened to my birth team. So is my husband. 😉
What a delight she has been! She has added so much joy and spunk to our home! It is fascinating to watch her develop, and how she interacts with us all.
I could never have fathomed this gift of a daughter...That God would not only bless us with our son, but to multiply our family by giving us Li'l Miss. There are no words capable of expressing our hearts regarding His goodness to us.
Every step of the way, He was with us: guiding us, protecting us, providing for us. He's been, and always will be, so good. It's a privilege to know Him, belong to Him, and receive such sweet, eternal blessings from Him!
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Copyright 2019 Molding Into A Lady |
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"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Colossians 4:6