W.o.W. Wednesday!

     The poem I am about to share with you I copied from an edition of "Keepers At Home," a godly magazine for women.  Though I have yet to be a mother, I pray one day that God would so use me that He would be honored, glorified, and those He so bequeaths to me would speak in like manner:

A Mother's Mission
To My Special and Precious Mother

Oh, what can I say that would really describe,
My heart yearns to tell this great truth.
But not the critique of the most learned scribe,
Could couch all the thoughts of this youth.

The son of a "stay at home mom" I have been,
And that is the reason I'm well.
I cling to the Lord and forsake all my sin,
My soul is delivered from hell.

I see that in me is an unrighteous bent.
I feel I would soon go astray.
But since to the Lord you most lavishly lent,
By grace I will walk in God's way.

I know I've been given a most precious gift--
Devoted, committed attention.
With nothing in mind but to love, teach, and lift
And make me a man that's worth mention.

My mother has faithfully stayed with her boys,
And one daughter too, I should say.
Divine is this duty she truly enjoys,
For righteousness is the sure pay.

An outdated fashion it is, to be sure:
Rejects all this culture admires.
Religion it is, undefiled and pure,
And souls for our King it acquires.

I live for the King, indeed there is no other,
I seek to obey our Lord's Word.
I'll ever arise and give praise for my mother
And make this great truth widely heard.

That it is God's will, it is God's way
That mothers stay home all the time,
To teach and train children to love and obey,
This calling is truly sublime.

If only more mothers and mothers-to-be,
Even mothers whose children are grown,
Could follow the Bible and then truly see
Fulfillment in staying at home!

So, Mother, this tribute to you I do bring,
My soul is eternally grateful.
Together we'll serve and worship the King,
Because to God's Word you've been faithful.

I love you, Mother! --Benjamin Renaud, (one of your seven boys)


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