Thank You, Fairest Lord Jesus

  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving my soul!   Thou, the Creator of the heavens, earth, and all creation, desiredst to know me and redeem my soul!  I cannot comprehend the love Thou hast for me, nor the depths of Thy beauty and power.
LORD GOD, I desire to thank Thee for Thy loving kindnesses to me:  Thy humble child and servant.  I know that I have not lived a perfect walk for Thee in times past, but great is Thy faithfulness to me!   Thank You for chastising me to bring me back in right fellowship with Thee!
Thank You for igniting a fire in my soul to know and love Thy Holy Word!  Thank You for teaching me how to obey Thy Word!  Thank You for preserving my soul!
Thank You for reminding me of my lowly stature, and Thy perfect holy magnificence.  Thank You for answering my prayers, according to Thy will and not mine.  Thank You for Thy blessings in my life:
    Our salvation through You, by Thy rich grace, mercy, love, and namesake; our Bibles and study material, which provokes us to love Thee, unto good works, corrects us when wrong, consoles us when sad, and guides us into life everlasting; my husband that I prayed for nine years ago, and have been blessed to be married to for five years; our church family that works with us to stay faithful to Thee, praying for, exhorting, encouraging, and loving one another; our family You allowed us to be born into, to love, honor, and pray for; our beautiful home, filled with many items given freely by charitable hearts, and with the wonderful view of Your creation; our van, freely given and blessedly cared for by Thee; our clothing; our food; our doctors and nurses; our senses well cared for by Thee; our health; our finances that allow us to give back to Thee and meet our needs.

Lord Jesus, there is indeed much more that I could thank Thee for, and that right well known.  I love Thee Lord, but need to love Thee even more, for Thou deservedst it!  I pray that my heart would be knit with Thine above all others, and that my lips would continually thank Thee and praise Thee.  Thank You for never forsaking me.


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