Molding Into A Mama: Part 5

     Having the prayers of so many brethren in the Lord, were of such invaluable comfort to me!  Knowing I had people on which I could call, day or night, to join us in seeking the Lord for whatever the reason, was and is a much-cherished gift.  If any of you that prayed for us are reading this:  THANK YOU.

     We sought those prayers endlessly.  Neither one of us wanted to go outside of the Lord's will.  Prayer was, and is, vital.

One day, in particular, I sought special intercession:  the start of his arrival into this world.

     At first, I did not think I was in labor (how many mamas can relate?).  Just a few days before the night my labor started, some of my family had arrived from out-of-state, hoping to be here for the newest addition of our family's debut.  However, I was concerned that they were going to miss said-event.

     Li'l Man was not about to let his family down, though!  After my stepfather and younger sisters left to visit other family in a nearby state, my mother, Dear, and I went about our day as usual.  I had made a huge pot of homemade, spicy chili, the night before, in anticipation of being laid-up with a new baby.  Not wanting any of it to be wasted, I was thoroughly enjoying each and every bowl. :-)

     That night, though, I thought I was suffering from the effects of aforementioned chili.  To my knowledge, though, it does not cause one to go to the bathroom at one-hour intervals... Of course, I only realized this fact, after about four hours of this activity.

     By this time, it would not be long that I would have been awaking, anyhow, to make breakfast for Dear and I, before he went to work.  So, I just sat in the kitchen, using the contractions timer, and awaited my husband's arrival to the kitchen.

     It had not been unusual for me to be up before him at other times, with the progression of the pregnancy.  So, initially, he thought nothing of me sitting there at the table as he made his morning coffee.  What was different, was seeing me using the timer...

... Talk about excited!  He was like a  chicken with his head cut off!  It was so adorable to watch; especially since he had been asking me, daily, if I was in labor, from the moment we entered the month of Li'l Man's birth.

     We tried contacting his lead at work, to no avail.  There was no way he would have been able to concentrate.  So, he prepared to go in to the job site, to inform him of the exciting news!

     Once he came back home, my mother was awake and excited, too, but, much more reserved.  Both, though, lovingly hovered.   Thankfully, after realizing what they were doing, they let me completely rest.  (I had been in bed, but, knowing this was a first for both of them, in their own, unique ways, I did not want to rob them of this moment.  But, oh, how glad I was to sleep!  It would come in handy, later.)

     We kept tabs on my contractions, having notified both my doula and midwife earlier that morning of our state of affairs.  Once the contractions were consistently around three minutes apart, for about an hour, Dear could no longer contain himself.  He wanted to get us over to the birth cottage, pronto!  I did feel we could wait a bit longer, but yielded to his insistence.  My mother would stay at our home, to care for our dog.

     So, having prepared these past months all that we would need:  our birth kit, supplies, food and drink (coffee being of the utmost importance here, for said-papa), diaper bag, birth plan, directions to cottage and hospital (if needed) left for my mother, our change of clothes and  toiletries, and, most of all, prayers, we were on our way!


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