2012 November Day Book


Outside my window...

...Are sweet little birds enjoying the seed I gave them.

I am thinking...

...Of how blessed I am by God to do what I get to do, where I get to do it.

I am thankful...

...That I belong to God and Dear.  :)

In the kitchen...

...Is a jar waiting for the new batch of tooth powder; apples waiting to be canned (eek!); dishes needing put away; dinner needing to be made.

I am wearing...

...My nightclothes...still!

I am creating...

...A home.

I am going...

...To see the Lord do wonders in my life!

I am wondering...

...Why push, when God has closed?

I am reading...

...Leviticus:  this time 'round, I am getting a smidge more understanding of Christ's sacrifice, & loathing sin more.

I am hoping...

...That God answers some prayers that I've recently lifted up to Him.

I am looking forward to...

...Learning from my husband.  :)

I am learning...

...Not to be afraid to confront, the right way.

Around the house...

...Is work to be done, and a lady who is intimidated by some of it; BUT, it CAN be done!  

I am pondering...

...If I am really of a meek and quiet spirit.

A favorite quote for today...

..."It doesn't matter how much money you make:  it matters how much of it you keep."--Quoted from unknown radio preacher

One of my favorite things...

...Being befriended by God-fearing ladies.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

...Mendings, knittings, yard work, cooking, baking, cleaning, bill paying, CANNING, meeting with friends for Godly encouragement, handing out free Bible studies with my church, attending church services, studying...

A peek into my day...
My Laundry Pile!
copyright I Am The Clay 2012

Growing Home



  1. I love your musing, thank you for posting, I found you at far above rubies xx Tara (The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary)

  2. I loved the quote you shared today, and I also like what you are wondering, for I am learning to wonder the same things. :) Leviticus is a good book to read and study. The more I read it, the more I seem to learn about pureness and holiness.

    P.S. I'm in the process of writing you a letter. :)

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :) I look forward to hearing from you. :)


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"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Colossians 4:6

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