
Do you ever hear or see a verse that reignites a passion for Christ within you? You know, the ones that make you realize just how sinful we are, yet how gracious, holy, and just God is? Verses that make you appreciate the fact that God has adopted you into His eternal family?
I John 1:9 would be that verse for me:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Words of Christ in red, right? Well, since He is the Word of God, I figured putting this verse in red was alright.
I cannot thank Christ enough for His endurance of me. He shows me more love, compassion, forgiveness, and such than anyone in their "right mind ought to." Yet, because of who He is, He is that way and many others with me, not because of who I am or what I do. Man alive, if I got what I earned with my thoughts, actions, feelings, etc., I would be dead.
Saved me, knowing who I was, am, and will be. Saved me, when I was, am, and still will be imperfect. Saved me, though not a theologian. Saved me, a hypocrite. Saved me, a wicked sinner.
If there ever was proof that the Bible is true about the love of God, I am proof. No human would forgive me with all the things I've done to God. No human would love me with a heart that I have. Every other person would forsake me when the going got rough, because of the sinful decisions made. I know these things as fact because they have happened and will continue to happen. Yet, the ONLY ONE who has ever proven faithful, forgiving, and loving is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I have proved the Bible true, by my actions. I have proved that man is a wicked sinner, that the heart of man is wicked, and his thoughts are evil continually. I have proven that man can only go so far without the grace of God in the ways of righteousness. I have proven that I am not righteous.
God has proven that when my heart is yielded to Him, He can do many good and right things through me. God has proven that his love is to the uttermost. He has proven to the world that He can cause a repentant sinner to do right, chasten His children, allow glory to be given to His name in spite of His daughter. He has proven that He loves a contrite heart. He has proven that since He saved me how great and perfect a Father He is. He has proven that He is true to His Word. I am a great sinner, but God is a GREAT GOD.
I will never understand Him completely. How could I? I am the creation; He the Creator. The more I learn of Him, the more it causes me to be in awe of Him, fear Him, and (for lack of a better word) cherish my salvation. Truly, it was only by His grace I was saved. I could have never established a relationship with Him, had it not been for Jesus Christ.
He sought me out. I did not seek for Him. He took the time to give me His Word. He took the time to make me realize I was destined for the lake of fire. He took the time to make me see that the only way I was to escape that death was through Jesus Christ. He took the time to make me see that I needed His forgiveness. He took the time to make me see that I needed to be under His control to do right, and to give me a heart to be under His control. He took the time to make me fear Him and my position outside of Him, so that He could bring me into Himself. Thank GOD He saved me 16 years ago!
So, this verse has made me see just how low I am, and how high He is! It reminded me that I have NO power in and of myself, that was not given to me by Christ. He keeps me, physically and spiritually. He does not make me a robot, but He does control me. If only I could scratch the surface of His power, maybe I would fear and love Him as He deserves.
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"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Colossians 4:6