Book Review: "Out Of India: A True Story About The New Age Movement"

     A while back, I finally started, and finished, a book given to me by a dear friend.   I had purposely held off on reading this particular book:  not because I had no interest, but rather, I knew the author's thoroughness in study, and was intimidated by the possible intensity awaiting me.  I soon learned I had no reason to fear!

     Caryl Matrisciana has already gone home to be with the Lord, but thankfully, has left this world with a good supply of information to aide the believer in their spiritual growth.  I first learned of her, when another dear friend introduced us to her documentary series entitled "Wide Is The Gate."  Immediately, I was drawn to this woman's thorough work in exposing occultism within the churches.

     In her book, she lays the foundation that would be crucial to her ministry.  She shares her upbringing, and the spiritual journey that eventually led her to her relationship with Christ.  It is quite a fascinating, and enlightening, read.

     Caryl had first-hand experience in the occultic, New Age movement.   She grew up in India, amongst the Hindus.  She saw the utter depravity of that religious system; yet early in her young adult years, chose (ironically) to immerse herself in the New Age movement, which derives much of its ways from Hinduism.  She readily admits it was to gain control of her life, which was void of any lasting peace, joy, and contentment.

     Astral projections, drug-induced euphorias, extreme highs and lows, wealth, unstable relationships, manifestations, spirit guides, yoga, positive vibrations... These are all part of the entangling web of satanic influence of which she found herself.   However, she also found freedom from the chains of darkness, when the Lord Jesus Christ delivered her!

     The journey that led her to knowing Christ as her Saviour, the transforming power of Christ the very night she repented, and the new  journey she started, is such a powerful story.  I highly encourage everyone to read it.  Though biographical in nature, it is also an exposé on the powers of darkness.

     Her testimony has helped me better understand what lies before me.  It is one way in which I am able to walk more circumspectly.  I am also more equipped in reaching a lost and dying world with the truth.

     If you take the time to read it, would you care to share your thoughts on it? 


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