Soft Porn At The Games

     I just read an article that had been passed around on Facebook.  After reading it, I was encouraged that there are other people who see the same thing Dear and I had seen.  (I was thankful that it was not just the two of us being crazy.)  I am sharing it with you today, for I truly believe it is an issue worth discussing.
     One of the main reasons we stopped attending any games:  whether they be basketball, football, etc., was due to the cheerleaders.  Their antics, their dress, were too much for my husband who was seeking to keep the covenant with the Lord regarding what he saw.  Sure, he is a grown man.  Yet, you put something before his eyes, and expect him to be sinless, is insane.     
     Even women struggle with staying pure with what is put before their eyes.  Whatever it may be, if it creates a lust within us, draws us to sin in one fashion or another, we should not be viewing it.  Even as women, we should not be watching little girls (and adult women) parade themselves around in such a fashion; simply doing so gives a "stamp of approval" on something the Lord detests.  
     Also, cheerleaders aside, many of the fans and players were dressed inappropriately.  (Skin tight pants on the football players; butt slapping by the players; sleeveless tanks by the basketball players, showing parts of the body not needed to be seen...Need I go on?)  We simply could not, in a pure conscience before God, go to games where this type of dress was prominent and encouraged.
     The other reason we stopped watching these games was due to the violence.  We saw many people get angry, whether it be players, coaches, parents, fans, etc.  I often wondered what it would have been like had Christ immediately appeared at that game...
     We do enjoy ball games, though!  When a simple game of baseball is played amongst friends and family, for the fun of it, is quite enjoyable!  Other games can be a good source of healthy, fun exercise, and safe from immodest dress and angry behaviours.
     With all this being said (and, I am keeping it abbreviated), I am now sharing the article that so resonated with me.  I hope it inspires you to truly consider what you put before your eyes; on what you give a "stamp of approval:" whether by being entertained by it, or participating in it in some fashion or another; what you allow your family to see.  Just because we are redeemed by Christ does not give us liberty to do as we wish.

by Steve Higginbotham


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